The government of Fernandez/Kirchner subordinates Argentina to transnational organized crime

Carlos Sánchez Berzaín
January 28, 2023

(Interamerican Institute for Democracy) In a country that has been taken to an economic, political, and social crisis with a growing 43.1% of poverty, nine months short of its 2023 general elections, with 69.3% of its population rejecting the government’s bad management and over 70% recognizing its negative image, with its Vice-President sentenced to six years in jail for corruption, President Alberto Fernandez subordinates Argentina to the Transnational Organized Crime, inviting as “Heads of State” the dictators from the narco-States of Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, and Nicaragua.

A “para-dictatorial” government is that which when established in a country with democracy it turns its administration into an instrument of service for the sustainment and defense of dictatorships, violating its international obligations regarding the respect for and defense of human rights, the “keeping of international peace and security” and the existence of “democracy as a right of the peoples.” From a legal perspective it is criminal and politically -in a democracy- it is a disgrace. This is what the Argentine government is today.

The “United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime” establishes that for an “organized criminal group” it shall mean a structured group of three or more persons, existing for a period of time and acting in concert with the aim of committing one or more serious crimes or offenses established in accordance with this Convention, in order to obtain, directly or indirectly, a financial or other material benefit.” This is exactly what the group of dictators from 21st Century Socialism, or Castrochavism, are.

Narco-States are “those countries whose political institutions are influenced in a significant way by the power and wealth resulting from narcotics’ trafficking and whose leaders simultaneously hold important positions as government officials and as members of illegal narcotics’ trafficking networks, protected by their legal empowerment.” Cuba. Venezuela, Bolivia, and Nicaragua are narco-States.

Cuba’s dictatorship, which was the only one in the Americas at the start of the 21st century, has expanded and implanted its system and control in Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador, and Nicaragua. Ecuador has regained democracy thanks to President Lenin Moreno, but Venezuela, Bolivia, and Nicaragua are regimes wherein none of the essential components of democracy exist, they have hundreds of political prisoners, millions of exiles, and the dictators at the helm of their government and their inner circles commit crimes on a daily basis with the impunity that is given to them by wielding power through force and violence.

The four dictatorships of the Americas; Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, and Nicaragua are one sole group self-labeled 21st Century Socialism, called Castrochavism because of the criminal affiliation between Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez that was what created it, allowing the reactivation of all of Castroism’s criminal capabilities to be used against the Americas. Castrochavist dictatorships operate threatening the peoples, with the help of the Forum of Sao Paolo, the Group of Puebla, and apocryphal organizations they have created such as the Conference of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC in Spanish).

Castrochavism sponsors presidential candidacies with whom it takes over the control of democratic States; it conspires and de-stabilizes governments with transnational operational groups; sustains and protects its terrorist armed groups such as the Revolutionary Armed Forces and the National Liberation Army (FARC & ELN in Spanish, respectively). Among others; it is the platform for and partner of Russia, backing its invasion into Ukraine and the threat to Europe; it is involved with Islamic terrorism and promotes Iran’s penetration to the region.

The 21st Century Socialism pursues to present itself as a political, antiimperialist project when, in reality and truly, is a group of Transnational Organized Crime as proven by; the facts, the oppression of the peoples from Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, and Nicaragua, the allegations and grievances, reports, accusations, legal suits, and corruption cases such as “lava jato” that includes Brazil’s Lula da Silva, crimes against humanity, narcotics’ trafficking as the “Cartel de los Soles” presided by dictator Nicolas Maduro with a bounty of $15 million for his capture.

The government of Alberto Fernandez and Cristina de Kirchner is the continuity of the Kirchners’ government and has been structured as, and remains a part of, Castrochavism. From the funding of electoral proceedings riddled with scandalous corruption known as “Antonini Wilson”, Chavez’s financial contribution of $5.5 million dollars from 2005 to 2008 as financial aid for Kirchner’s fiscal deficit and more, to the medical narrative of Kirchner’s daughter in Cuba to protect her from investigations for corruption, are proof that the government of Fernandez/Kirchner is a Castrochavism’s satellite, at the expense of Argentina’s honor and sovereignty.

The objective reality urges everyone to verify that Alberto Fernandez seems to have the sad role of being a messenger for the government, something that has taken him to the presidency and that today places him as the host of Organized Crime.

*Attorney & Political Scientist. Director of the Interamerican Institute for Democracy.

Translation from Spanish by Edgar L. Terrazas

Published in Spanish by Sunday January 22, 2023