The nation of Chile and the plurinational castrochavist Constitution

Carlos Sánchez Berzaín
September 2, 2022

(Interamerican Institute for Democracy) A few days short of the Constitutional Polling in Chile, or the Exit Polling, it has been shown that this constituent process is a transnational strategy to attack the unity of the Nation, destroy the State, and confront Chilean peoples. Full proof corroborating this fact is the project to replace the constitution in a referendum election that will be voted on the 4th of September to supplant the “Chilean Nation” and replace it with a “plurinational State” of 11 nations, along with the disappearance of; “equality before the law”, the human right to “private property” and notorious violations of freedom, all of these carbon copy of the texts with which the dictatorships oppress the peoples in Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, and Nicaragua.

The Constitutional Plebiscite is “the last phase of the constituent process that was started with the National Plebiscite of 2020”. It is a popular and populist referendum, it is also a copy of the dictatorial model the 21st Century Socialism, or Castrochavism, executed and manipulated in Cuba with the Castro’s, in Venezuela with Chavez and Maduro, in Bolivia with Morales, in Nicaragua with Ortega and Murillo, and at one time in Ecuador with Correa.

Chile’s constituent process was birthed by the repeated violent pressure exerted by the transnational operation of the 21st Century Socialism, or Castrochavism, similar to what was done in Venezuela, Bolivia, and Ecuador. It dovetails its methodology of transforming a governmental problem into a conflict of the State, and this then into a crisis of the system, to which it applies the formula to turn a relative minority into an absolute majority, as was done in Bolivia, Peru, Colombia, and elsewhere.

The method used to get to Chile’s constituent is relevant, because it is about an accelerated constitutional reform, under the pressure of violence, something that according to Law 21.200 published on 24 December of 2019 reinstates the “plebiscite” that had been included in Pinochet’s constitution and that had been rescinded by the Law for Constitutional Reform 20050 promulgated on 18 August of 2005 by President Lagos, precisely because the plebiscite, or referendum elections were considered to be dictatorial mechanisms.

Up to now, we continue to hear that the majority of the Chilean people voted in favor of the constituent process and that is simply not the truth. According to data from Chile’s Electoral Service, at the plebiscite of 25 October of 2020, only 50.95% of registered voters went to the polls of which 78.28% voted for the constituent, and this represents only 39.61% of Chilean voters. The results were presented as “the majority of the population” or “the overwhelming
majority of Chileans”, a false narrative that is now the basis of a campaign that President Gabriel Boric repeats to support and expand the Castrochavist intervention in his country.

With violence as the trigger, the return to dictatorial institutions as the means, the manipulation of data in order to generate false narratives as a mechanism, and the presentation of a constitutional “reform” project that violates human rights, what this constituent project does is to try to supplant the existing democratic constitution approved during the mandate of President Lagos and substitute it with a Castrochavist constitution, a carbon copy of the worst dictatorial instruments used in Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, and Nicaragua.

The constitution project proposed to the Chileans is tantamount to an act of invasion to their nation, their economy, their democracy and the Chilean cultural unity and pretends to wreck their nation by the multiplication of plurinational confrontation. This is but a copy of the worst fallacies of the so-called constitutions of Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia’s dictatorships and Ecuador that violate the human right to “equality in dignity and rights”, granting more rights and power to the groups they are able to manipulate and that they justify as indigenous and minorities, that already had been -for a long time- incorporated into the existing nation, but that are now reactivated as mechanisms for subversion and conspiracy.

The constitution proposed to the Chileans violates the human right to “equality before the law” by establishing special courts and violates the human right to own “private property” to destroy the economy of one of the more prosperous countries of the region. As a token of the transnational attack, they seek to destroy the “social security” system that is now an international model for the reform and modernization of this service.

By violating human rights and freedom, the Castrochavist constitution for Chile ends democracy, since -beyond these- it also eliminates the human right to equality, the basis for universal suffrage that is also eliminated given that it recognizes certain people to have greater privileges and more rights than others, something that in-turn ends the concept of “citizen”. It has been used as an argument for 21st Century Socialism and the fight against inequality and it is precisely “the inequality manipulated by an omnipotent State” that this constitution project attempts to institutionalize and Chileans will vote on, this upcoming 4th of September.

*Attorney & Political Scientist. Director of the Interamerican Institute for Democracy.

Translation from Spanish by Edgar L. Terrazas


Published in Spanish by Sunday August 28, 2022