Castrochavist dictatorships devoid of support from peoples, economy, and myths, only with crime.

Carlos Sánchez Berzaín
August 22, 2021

(Interamerican Institute for Democracy) Dictatorships of 21st Century Socialism do not have popular backing, have wrecked the economies of their countries, and no one believes the fictitious narratives with which they attribute themselves inexistent qualities. The Cuban peoples’ courage, mobilized since the 11th of July 2021, has unleashed an irreversible process towards freedom and democracy and has empowered the oppressed peoples. The group of dictatorships, with Cuba as the head, comprised by Venezuela, Bolivia, and Nicaragua, do not have; the backing of the people, the financial resources, have lost their myths and have been relegated to remain as a structured group of transnational organized crime.

Cuba’s liberation process, defined by the historic milestone of 11 July 2021, will not stop until the Cuban people have “freedom, homeland, and life” which summarizes the minimum conditions for a humane life. The courage of the Cuban people is showing to the world the inhuman conditions in which nearly twelve million human beings live in, imprisoned in their own homeland, without any rights, with hunger, without the minimum utility services, security, lacking even a minimum of healthcare conditions, without a present or a future.

The objective reality of the Cuban people’s conditions of oppression, subjugation, and misery, are being reminded to the world starting on 11 July of 2021 and by the repeated “crimes against humanity and state-sponsored terrorism” with which the dictatorship has responded until now the people’s plight for freedom. The dictatorship’s response has definitely ended the fallacy called “Cuban revolution” and all of its falsified success stories in the areas of; education, healthcare, sports, and social organizations. What is now seen as real is a despicable and criminal regime that even its most obsequious followers lack good arguments to defend.

The “Cuban revolution model” or “Castroism” was expanded and established in Venezuela, Bolivia, Nicaragua, and in Ecuador under Correa, with Venezuela’s oil wealth, money, and its very own freedom which, starting in 1999, in betrayal of his own homeland was executed by Hugo Chavez. It is not conceivable that in this 21st century that would have happened without Chavez’s involvement, treason and corruption. The Castro + Chavez allegiance, along with its criminal methodology and resources, turned the agonizing Castroism of the nineties into the “Castrochavism” of the 21st century with banners of Bolivarian populism and 21st Century Socialism.

The methodologic foundation of Cuba’s dictatorship is the sustained manipulation through corruption, fear and the epic falsified narratives. This way, starting with Hugo Chavez, following with Evo Morales, Rafael Correa, Daniel Ortega, Lula da Silva, Nicolas Maduro, Nestor Kirchner and others who, starting with “relative minorities”, built absolute majorities penetrating democratic systems to destroy and supplant them, establishing vote-catching dictatorships to indefinitely hold-on to power with the façade of change and revolution.

The initial popular backing to the heads of the 21st Century Socialism, which was always below 50% of voters and far less than 50% of the citizens of their countries, rapidly decreased and the 21st century’s Castrochavist methodology replaced it with the “institutionalization of electoral fraud”. Fraud was reinforced with the traditional Castroist methods of persecution, imprisonment, exile of democratic leaders, assassination of reputation, control of the press and the building of “functional oppositions” to sustain the regime with the appearance of democracy.

The “economic developmentalism” and the “populist perks” yielded short-lived results in the wake of the boom of the prices of raw materials, but the excessively high levels of institutionalized corruption soon ended the peoples hope for a better life and future. They were able to replicate this in Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Bolivia featuring the characteristic crises and dependency on Cuba. Venezuela now endures a humanitarian crisis similar to, or worse than, the one in Cuba. Nicaragua with growing levels of squalor, similar to the ones in Bolivia that just published false economic successes and that today can no longer disguise the increase in poverty and the destruction of its productive system.

Dictatorships of 21st Century Socialism; Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, and Nicaragua have turned those countries into unsustainable debtor nations and have mortgaged the next generations to produce misery. They have turned them into Narco-States and are squandering their resources with their surrender and corruption. All of them, as certified by international organizations, have politically persecuted, imprisoned, or exiled. In each and every one of them the quality of life has fallen, insecurity has risen and their regimes are sustained only through the fear based on the judiciary’s manipulation and by force.

They are devoid of the support from their peoples, their economy and their myths. Soon they will no longer be unpunished.


Translated from Spanish by; Edgar L. Terrazas, member of the American Translators Association, ATA # 234680.


Published in Spanish by Sunday August 15, 2021