Carlos Sánchez Berzaín
 December 11, 2019

(Interamerican Institute for Democracy) In Bolivia the dictator absconded, but not the dictatorship.  The Organized Crime system implanted by Cuba and Venezuela, using the Castrochavist model of total power possession, maintains its dictatorial Legislative Assembly with two-thirds of votes and the entire Judicial system under its control.  Under these conditions, the transition towards democracy is stuck and can end as a grim simulation.  Evo Morales, whose main peculiarity is to politicize violence in defense of narcotics’ trafficking, is attaining perpetual impunity as proven by his 2003 amnesty, that President Janine Añez has not rescinded, and now by benefitting from an Impunity Law approved by the still existing dictatorial legislative.

At the end of the eighties, Evo Morales enters public life in Bolivia as a Coca-Leaf Harvesters’ Union leader for the coca-leaf growers in the tropical area of Cochabamba, in the area of Chapare.   The defense of the coca-leaf, as the raw material for the production of cocaine was always on the fringes of the law and to be able to implement this defense the strategy used is the “politization of the violence in defense of narcotics’ trafficking”.

To coat the harvesting of illegal coca and the production of cocaine as a social revindication of those who were relocated, and then turn this into a permanent conflict involving road blockades, massive marches, confrontations, wounded and killed until it peaked into the formation of a political party -the Movement Towards Socialism (MAS – Movimiento al Socialismo in Spanish) comprised by remnants of a right-wing faction of a political party known as Falange Socialista Boliviana (FSB) to cover up their criminal acts, is the successful method orchestrated by Cuba and then Venezuela that made Evo Morales, the dictator who controlled Bolivia for almost 14 years.

The true history that Castrochavists and Evo Morales’ apologists hide is that of “Evo Kills”.  For over 30 years, the Coca harvesters’ union boss has conducted permanent provocation, created conflict, perpetrated attacks against Bolivian people, violated the law, altered the public order, selectively assassinated as in the Andrade couple’s case, used violence, committed collective crimes and periodic confrontations with Bloody results in Bolivia, only to -afterwards- accuse of those crimes the governments at the time.

Evo Morales’ use of premeditated violence as a mechanism to build power, destabilize governments, and then negotiate with permanent impunity, span nine presidential terms; Jaime Paz Zamora four years, Gonzalo Sanchez de Lozada four years, Hugo Banzer Suarez four years, Jorge Quiroga one year, the second Presidential Term of Gonzalo Sanchez de Lozada cut short in 2003  after one year and two months, Carlos Mesa  one year and seven months, Eduardo Rodriguez six months, Evo Morales’ dictatorship thirteen years and nine months, and now Janine Añez’s interim presidency.  All of these include more than 40 Ministers of the Interior, Government, and Defense.

In all of these governments -without exception- from Paz Zamora to Añez’s, because of coca/cocaine questions there were -and still are- multiple attacks, road blockades, confrontations, wounded, killed, threats, negotiations, and impunity for Evo Morales, the author and leader of these crimes.  A gruesome ritual that threatens Bolivia’s democratic presidents, extorted between fulfilling their mandate with the rule of law or ending up being accused for the crimes committed or directed by Evo Morales who then files charges against his victims.  Nine presidents and over 40 ministers changed, but the situation always repeats itself with a permanent actor called Evo Morales.

Having toppled Sanchez de Lozada in 2003, in his quest to take over the government, Evo Morales procured from his ally Carlos Mesa a guarantee for his impunity through Supreme Decree (SD) 27237 that supplemented one other SD 27234, stating “… the decreed amnesty in Article 2 of SD 2734 of 31 October of 2003, applies only to those citizens whose acts would have been committed in the time frame encompassing between 5 August to 4 November of 2003, within the realm of social protests against decisions taken by the National Government”.  This is tantamount to impunity for the topplers and persecution for the members of the democratic government.    It must be rescinded and annulled by President Janine Añez as part of reestablishing the “Rule of Law”.

Now in 2019 following his departure from power it has been shown that Evo Morales, as an ordinary citizen, directs from Mexico terrorism, sedition, conspiracy and the same violence he has practiced for 30 years with his narcotrafficking defense forces.  He also protects himself with impunity from a law that his “dictatorial legislative” has approved under a misnomer titled “Law of Constitutional Guarantees” to prevent the fugitive dictator, his accomplices, and his enablers to be tried and punished.

*Attorney & Political Scientist.   Director of the Interamerican Institute for Democracy.

Published in Spanish by Sunday, December 8th, 2019

Translated from Spanish by; Edgar L. Terrazas, member of the American Translators’ Association, ATA # 234680.