Carlos Sánchez Berzaín
October 24, 2019

(Interamerican Institute for Democracy) Destabilizing actions to democratic systems and governments in Colombia, Argentina, Peru, Ecuador, and now in Chile, are part of CastroChavism’s offensive directed by Cuba and comprised by Venezuela, Bolivia, and Nicaragua.   Premeditated acts that using the total range of criminal capabilities are put into motion to destabilize and to end the democratic leadership of those who were all along identifying these governments’ crime but who did not have the will to make a decision to end them.   CastroChavism’s offensive makes it imperative that in the pursuit of self-defense and not due to foreign interests or solidarity, democracies in the Americas unite as one, to consider putting an end to the dictatorial shamefulness in the region.

Errors in politics are costly and are rapidly capitalized on and the greatest error is “to have mistaken in the identification of the adversary” or “having identified them to not to act accordingly”.  It would appear as though the prolonged propaganda of identifying as “conspirator theories” all proof showing Cuba as the epicenter for destabilization, organized crime, threats against Americas’ peace and security, and as the chieftain of the dictatorships it installed in Venezuela, Bolivia, and Nicaragua, would influence the opinion of outstanding statesmen, presidents, ministers, analysts, and national security personnel of democratic countries.

Dictatorships from Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, and Nicaragua have shown they are a group willing to commit all necessary crime in order to indefinitely remain in power, applying updated techniques from Cuba’s dictatorship.  All four dictatorships are in terminal crises, they are neither economically nor financially viable, they have been identified as narco-states with links to terrorism, they violate human rights daily to hang-on to power, internal resistance is growing, and international pressure is important, reasons why by applying “proven Castroist techniques” they must attack anyone who it considers its enemies.

To the cliché “Venezuela is not Cuba”, another cliché “Nicaragua is not Cuba” was coined, and now you even hear “Bolivia is not Venezuela” and “Colombia is not Cuba” or “Argentina is not Venezuela” or “Ecuador is not. . .” and in Chile there were no denials of this type because they had never ever imagined to have happened what is now happening there.

For CastroChavism, the attacks against Americas’ democracies are a matter of survival given that the status-quo only leads towards a slow death for dictatorships, such as the ones from Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia and Nicaragua.  For this reason, they need to eliminate those who identify or pressure them and those who -although they make the serious mistake of not hastening the end of dictatorships- are a threat because they do not collaborate with them and they do not cover up for them.

This is why; Duque, Uribe, Macri, Moreno, Piñera, Bolsonaro, Abdo Benítez, Trump, and others are their enemies.  This is also why they continue treating the Castro’s/Diaz-Canel, Maduro, Morales, and Ortega as dignitaries, when in-fact they are the chieftains of the criminal group that has the intent of eliminating them.

At the terminal stage of weakness, the CastroChavism system has it appears to be replicating the Nazi Strategy known as “the Ardennes’ Offensive” towards the end of the Second World War, a strategy with which they stopped and almost defeated the allied forces.  A massive, surprising and extraordinarily violent, desperate but well-planned, strategy carried out in the midst of a terminal situation of weakness with the intent of defeating the enemy in order to stabilize the front-lines and negotiate.  Nazism was defeated at the Ardennes by the fierce allied resistance and by operations that enabled the allies to deplete Nazi’s logistics and supply lines and to continue pushing until the end of such shameful dictatorship.

It is neither posible, nor recommended, to enter into a covenant with crime because this violates the law, subverts public order, and sows one’s own defeat.  There is no way to negotiate with CastroChavism, because negotiations are the dictatorships’ sole mechanism through which it gains benefits to continue committing crime. Effective political and economic actions by the set of countries who are democratic, against the dictatorships in Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, and Nicaragua can prevent more violence and the use of force (a situation that democracies have been defensibly sucked into in their own territories).

CastroChavism’s offensive against democracies is an operation of a weakened group, but it will sustain itself and will continue if democracies do not accept the imperative choices; either put an end to dictatorships or continue enduring the consequences.  In the meanwhile, the question remains; who is next?

Published In Spanish by October 20, 2019


Translated from Spanish by; Edgar L. Terrazas, member of the American Translators’ Association, ATA # 234680.