Carlos Sánchez Beraín

February 12, 2019

Evo Morales (AP)

Evo Morales (AP)

(Interamerican Institute for Democracy) On 7 February of 2009, the so-called Plurinational State’s Constitution was enacted, thus doing away with the Republic of Bolivia.  To get to that point, the Cuban and Venezuelan intervention in Bolivia, with Evo Morales as their main operator, perpetrated an extensive series of coups d’ etat, falsifications, and supplanting, assassinations, bloody massacres, persecutions, corruption, and fraud.    What Evo Morales’ dictatorship calls The Constitution, is the null and void result of crime that is -up to now- unpunished due to the power its authors hold.

Following is a brief summary of the crime committed to get to the enactment of the constitution that created the Plurinational State of Bolivia that temporarily has as its captive; the Republic, the homeland, and the Nation of Bolivia.

1- In the so-called “October’s Agenda” of Evo Morales, Carlos Mesa and others, they established as one of their objectives the convening of a “Constituent Assembly” something that was explicitly prohibited by the existing Constitution of the Republic (CPE in Spanish) that allowed only a partial amendment of the constitution. This agenda was publicly agreed on a few short hours of the toppling of the constitutionally elected president in October of 2003 and is proof of the crimes of conspiracy and sedition.

2- Carrying out “October’s Agenda”, Carlos Mesa and Evo Morales approve, and Mesa enacts on 20 February of 2004, Law 2631 “To Amend the Constitution of the State” and introduces “the Constituent Assembly” as the body charged with the responsibility for “the total reform of the Constitution”, thus committing the crimes of material and ideological falsehood, supplanting, and violation of the constitution. They criminally altered the content of an existing law of 8 August of 2002 that dealt with the potential need to amend the constitution, something they were expected to abide by, and NOT ignore.  They introduce the total reform of the Constitution through “the Constituent Assembly” expressly forbidden by the very same Constitution of the State.

3- Law 2631 of 2004, to Amend the Constitution, is unlawful, null and void, as mandated by Article 31 of the existing Constitution that set forth; “null and void are the acts of anyone who usurps functions that are not theirs, as well as the acts of those who were not granted jurisdiction or are not empowered by the law”. With that law, however, Evo Morales convened the Constituent Assembly through Law 3460 of 6 March of 2006, thus again committing the crime of using a counterfeited instrument towards his own benefit and falsifying another law.

4- Law 3460, Convening of the Constituent Assembly, established the organization’s mechanisms and functioning, something that is the equivalent to regulating the commission of more crime, such as; for the government to attribute to itself the rights of the people, the omission of duties and more falsifications. This assembly, that was supposed to draft a new constitutional text within one year’s deadline, doesn’t do it, there is popular repudiation, and Evo Morales perpetrates a massacre in Sucre and moves his Constituent Assembly to the city of Oruro from where the assembly sends a text that turns out is not the one the regime wanted.

5- This is why they draft Law 3941, enacted by Morales on 21 October of 2008, as an “interpretative” of Article 232 (already supplanted under the null and void constitutional reform of 2004) thus again committing the crimes of; usurpation of functions, more material and ideological falsehoods, use of counterfeited instruments with the text that states: “Upon the conclusion of the constituent process and the receipt of the constitutional proposal, to be subjected to the consideration of the sovereign people, the Honorable National Congress may make the necessary adjustments on the basis of the popular will and national interest, by a Special Law of Congress approved by two-thirds of votes of its members present . . .”

6- This way, the text of the Plurinational State’s constitution, is drafted by a special commission comprised by Spaniard advisors paid by the Venezuelan regime of Hugo Chavez, under Cuban supervision. Through the commission of more crime, Congress approves the new constitution that now includes the continuous reelection of the president (something expressly forbidden by the State’s Constitution) that is taken to a referendum in which they commit all sorts of electoral fraud, falsifying of results, and again attributing to itself the rights of the people.

7- Between 2006 and 2009, while they were committing the crimes recorded, Bolivian people resisted in the so-called “half-moon” comprised by 6 out of the 9 of the country’s departments (states). Santa Cruz, Cochabamba, Sucre, Tarija, Beni and Pando, all defending the Republic and the State’s Constitution with their people mobilized and their authorities duly and democratically elected. In response, Evo Morales and his regime perpetrated massacres against them; at the Las Americas Hotel in Santa Cruz, at Cochabamba, at La Calancha in Sucre, at El Porvenir in Pando, with dozens of assassinations, hundreds of political prisoners and exiled, and all sorts of organized crime ranging from assassinations, torture, counterfeiting of proof and judicial prosecutions, violating the freedom of the press, and more.

Now, ten years after enduring all of the crime initiated with the conspiracy and Coup d Etat of 2003, the Republic of Bolivia, the homeland, and the Bolivian people are all captive of Evo Morales’ dictatorship that imposes –through the commission of new crime- the farce of his indefinite reelection, while the co-authors and accomplices serve as candidates of a “functional” opposition.

Published  in Spanish by on Sunday February 10, 2019

Translated from Spanish by; Edgar L. Terrazas, member of the American Translators’ Association, ATA # 234680.