Know their strategy, defeat dictatorships, and then elections

Carlos Sánchez Berzaín
January 16, 2018

The objective conditions of their governments enable us to know the dictatorships’ strategies, but it is vital to remember that, first of all, the dictatorships must be defeated, so that afterwards -in democracy- power can be disputed through free and fair elections.

boliviahuelgagenerallapaz130518(Interamerican Insittute for Democracy) There are important advances in the fight to recoup democracy from the hands of Castroist-Chavist dictatorships, but these regimes commit and are most willing to commit all types of crime in order to remain in power. The objective conditions of their governments enable us to know the dictatorships’ strategies, but it is vital to remember that, first of all, the dictatorships must be defeated, so that afterwards -in democracy- power can be disputed through free and fair elections.

To regain democracy in Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, and Nicaragua is a national challenge for each nation, for each country, with their own important local peculiarities. The common denominator, however, is that they confront a transnational dictatorial system of organized crime stemming from the Castroist “internationalism” of the sixties, recreated and structured to continually violate all Human Rights with a standardized strategy of de-facto regimes.

To keep in power the Castro’s in Cuba, Maduro in Venezuela, Evo Morales in Bolivia and the Ortega’s in Nicaragua the regimes apply certain common concepts such as; “fear”, “force”, “identify and divide the internal enemies”, create the existence of “external enemies in order to present themselves as victims”, “politicize and control information”. The Cuban dictatorship has been doing this for over five decades, not without fright and risk, but up to now with success.

Fear is an essential component of dictatorships, this is why they kill the “Rule of Law” and supplant it with the “Rule of the State” with “despicable laws” to enable them to persecute, imprison, dishonor, and wrest the property of, citizens. This is what the new Penal Code of Evo Morales seeks and why, right now, the Bolivian people are rejecting it, this is the same code that is already lawfully enforced in Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua.

The force needed to sustain these regimes of fear is based on the control of the military and police hierarchies until the indoctrination and militancy of all members is achieved, a purpose for which the component of fear is also applied, turning them into institutionalized violators of Human Rights and in patsies when there is a need to coverup the regime. This is exactly what happened in Cuba when General Ochoa was executed by a firing squad, and what is happening in Venezuela with General Baduel, and many more. Force is also exerted through irregular groups, gangs, thugs, experts of “Castroist internationalism”, criminal groups such as the FARC from Colombia and, if necessary, through the help from terrorism.

The internal enemy is the nation, society, political groups and their leadership, who have to be divided, co-opted, or eliminated. This is why the topics of confrontation are multiplied and go beyond racism, regionalism, gender, generational, sectorial, functional, anything and everything that will divide society, its institutions, and subject them to dispute.   Currently in Bolivia, the dictatorship of Evo Morales that does not acknowledge the Bolivian nation as the identity for all Bolivians, is intensifying racial confrontation, attempting to divide -through lies and fear- the people who since the National Revolution of 1952 advanced in unity, in diversity.

The foreign or external enemy is the “North American imperialism” with which dictatorships justify all of their abuse, corruption and crime, even narcotics trafficking as Evo Morales did at the U.N.   The foreign enemy is useful in order to blame the United States for all disastrous results from the organized crime that holds political power, such as what the Castro’s have done for many years and now Maduro, Morales, and their thugs do.

Every criminal act violating Human Rights that is committed by the dictatorship is “politicized” and presented with “control of the information” and propaganda. Nowadays the regimes from Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Bolivia claim “the right” conspires, pays, and wants them toppled, attributing to themselves the position of being “leftist”, socialist, and communist, when -in reality- they are criminal “fascists” whose sole ideology and objective is the total and indefinite control of power along with their illicit enrichment.

With its strategy known, it has been shown that the fight against dictatorship is not a confrontation of the right against the left because everyone wants to recoup democracy, as was shown by the reorganization of Bolivia’s National Committee for the Defense of Democracy (CONADE in Spanish), that was originally created to restore democracy in the seventies and that has been recently reactivated a few days ago against Evo Morales.   All united against the dictatorship, and then elections in democracy.

Published in Spanish by Diario las Americas on Sunday January 14th, 2018